Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I could use some legal advice for my mother.?

My mother has temporary custody of my two nieces and my nephew. My sister has already given up her parental rights on all 3 kids. My nieces dad (diff. from my neph.) wants custody of the girls even though he is accused of sexually molesting the oldest (9 yrs.) when she was 5. My youngest niece is now 3 and is the only one who has visits with him once a week for 2 hrs. He is an illegal from mexico who lives in a camping trailer. Our cps worker is a complete idiot. If you use large words with her she just stares at you until you re-word it. She says that she won't go to court yet for full custody because we will loose. My mom has had them for a year and a half. We just went to court because he wanted visits with my oldest niece, but thanks to her counselor he has been denied. If you would like more info to help me, just email me and I will get back to you asap. This whole thing is confusing and wrong to me.I could use some legal advice for my mother.?
Your mom probably needs an attorney specializing in family law to help her file for full and permanent custody of the girls. An attorney could probably convince a family court judge that the nieces' father is not entitled to any custodial rights to his daughters and should have only supervised visits if there's even a chance the accusations about molestation are true. He cannot provide a proper home for them, not even over a weekend visitation, in a camping trailer, and the fact that he is here illegally will also count against him, as INS could easily deport him and leave the girls with no parental figure--unless your mom has custody.I could use some legal advice for my mother.?
talk to somebody

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