Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Lease issue with roomate legal advice?

Okay so me and my best friend signed a lease together to rent a condo. We live in chicago, IL. so she started a new job right before we moved and signed the lease for this new place. So now 2 months into the lease she is telling me well my job training is amost over and I am being transferred ot the south suburbs and it is a very far way to travel from up north in chicago to the south suburbs.she is planning to start staying with a friend of hers on the south side closer to her new job, she said she is trying to find someone 2 move in and take over her rent since she will have to pay 2 stay with her friend but if she cannot find anyone who is willing to move in and take over her portion of the rent isnt she still responsible to pay her half of the rent until the lease is up and if she doesnt can i take her to court? please help this is a horrible situation. also she makes definitely enough money if she had 2 pay for her rent with me and help pay at her friends house.Lease issue with roomate legal advice?
If her name is on the lease, then she is responsible to pay rent until you either find another roommate or the lease is up. You can take her to small claims court after the fact. Document everything....send her a letter with a return receipt explaining what you expect from her in regards to the rent. Hopefully you will find someone before this fiasco begins. It gets ugly. She is not responsible for utilities once she leaves.Lease issue with roomate legal advice?
If she signed the original lease, your roommate is responsible for that lease and the rent. Plus If you are not listed on the lease you will be held liable as well and can be asked to leave or sign a new lease. Check with the complex your are living in for the rules and regulations. If your roommate has it...get a copy of the lease she signed and read all of it

I would find someone reliable to rent and finish out the lease if possible on my own and not leave it to your roommate...it doesn't sound as if she is really trying that hard. Go through a rental company as they screen applicants for you or contact your local church.

I have been in your shoes 3 times and decided no more...I got my own place and no more roommates.
she signed a legal binding document as will be held to it, unless she has legal reason to terminate the lease

if you pay her share you can take her to small claims for her portion
You should both be attempting to find a replacement roommate.

Your friend is obligated to abide by your lease.

Generally, you would have to mitigate your damages by law.

This means that you cannot expect your friend to continue to pay her rent for the remainder of the lease without attempting to find a replacement tenant/roommate.

Your friend would be liable for (her share of) the rent until a replacement tenant is found.

You can sue her for her share of the rent.

It will be up to the judge to decide whether you made a good faith effort to find a replacement and how much rent your friend will be liable for.

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