Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Some state of wisconsin legal advice please?

I quit my old job on feb. 28, 2008 because i got a great job offer that wanted me to start the next day. i was at my old job a 6 months to the day. i worked super hard and had absolutely no complaints from my managers and i loved me job. then one day the general manager sat me down and said hey we know you stold $2k so either you admit it now and you will pay us back and we'll let you know or we call the local police and they can charge you for it. they said they had video evidence but wouldnt let me see it. i didnt do it, so thats what i told them, they suspended me from work for three days. i had two of my reg. days off and three suspension days so later that week i called and asked when to come back like 7am or whatever. no response. sent three voicemails and three emails and the day before i was supposed to come back, my manager calls me to come in at an odd time and meet. i sat down and they said again, its obvious you did it. you either admit to it or the cops are on their way. %26gt;Some state of wisconsin legal advice please?
Contact the Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations. Let them know you have been suspended and accused of stealing, but they refuse to show any evidence. You may be able to get unemployement and if it's found that it is a false accusation, you can sue them. Contact a lawyer, most will give a free consultation, to see if you have a case. The lawyer will request the video, most likely.

Good luck

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