Sunday, August 22, 2010

I need some legal advice on property rights?

I have a question regarding what rights I have to some valuable goods that were left in a house that I sold. Last year, I sold my vacation home to a couple and in order to make the process quicker, we signed the contract before I took all my belongings from the house. Now the couple refuses to let me collect some things, and the whole issue has become quite nasty. Some of the things that I left include expensive bikes, memorable goods, etc. Are there any laws that would allow to collect my things from my house after the house was given to another homeowner? The house is in Wisconsin.I need some legal advice on property rights?
Read your contract. If there were valuable things in the house that did not convey to the buyer, those would have been listed and the disposition of the items explicit. If the contract failed to mention these items, you have a problem.

Consult an attorney in Wisconsin to determine what options you have. If you do not know an attorney in Wisconsin, use their state bar association's lawyer referral service. www.wisbar.orgI need some legal advice on property rights?
If they refuse to return your property you will have to get a lawyer and see what he can do. I do not think he will be able to do much. If he wants to be paid an hourly rate rather than working on a contingency then you know you are blowing in the wind. If you proceed under those conditions his costs will be greater than what the stuff is worth. You may get it back but it will cost you more than if you just went out and bought new stuff.

As far as the sale, when you sell a house there is a ';closing date.'; That date should be known to both parties and on that date the property is turned over. It is pretty much a given when you buy a house that whatever is left is not wanted by the previous owner and is part of the sale. If there were exceptions, such as your bikes, then you should have noted that in the sale documents.

You had no right to expect you could continue to use the house for ';storage'; of your property. If you were not over there within a week or two to pick up your stuff, then you were in fact using their house to store your stuff. You had no right to expect them to store the stuff indefinitely or even more than a week or two. If the stuff was so valuable, you should have gotten it out of there ASAP, even if you had to rent a storage shed for it.

If there is no clause in the contract about your stuff, then you may as well write it off. You really screwed up and are now paying the price.

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