My mother, my sister, and I just moved into these apartments 2 weeks ago, and last night my mother received a letter saying that she is to immediately move out because the terms of the lease had been violated. So my mother called the owner and the landlord told her that my mother said she was going to be the only person living in the apartment, but on the application my mother wrote both me and my sister's name down as other tenants and i was there with my mother when she payed her money and i even picked up the key, and the landlord told her that she never looked at the application, how can she tell someone their lease has been violated when she never looked at her application to see if its true how would that hold up in court and what kind of landlord won't look at the application when someone is moving into their property she even spelled my mother's name wrong on the court letter. She just loves money. they also have noticed children here everyday and a strange guy walking up and down the street and she explained that my brother has been helping us move furniture in and we have needed someone to be here while the cable and telephone people come because my mother works and both me and my sister are in school, and in the afternoon my oldest sister needs someone to baby sit while her and her husband works but they pick them up when they get off work so they don't stay here. the landlord said that was ok, but my mother just told her she would be the only one staying her, but her application has both me and my sis name on it, so can she put her out for that. Can we get a lawyer, if so what kind?I Need Some Legal Advice Please!!!!?
I have some legal insurance that I bought from a friend of mine which works great in that you can pay about $18.00 a month and you can call a lawyer anytime for advice and they can also write letters for you. Need Some Legal Advice Please!!!!?
Go to your local Legal Aid office. This sounds like a great case for them. Or you can play hardball and march into the office (of your apartment complex) and sternly look at them and say you have a signed lease and have met with an attorney - that you will have no problem going forth with litigation if they choose to bring it that far.
Contact Housing Authority in your area or simply tell the woman to check the application. If it does have you and your sisters names on it, then she has no reason to evict. Housing Authoirty should be able to help with this matter.
A very informative website you can also get much information in website
Take all the paper work to the County Attorney's office and ask them.
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