Saturday, July 31, 2010

Desperately need accurate Legal Advice for Son in NY?

Son 28 charged w/ raping 13 yr old stepdaughter, he's raised last 10 yrs, married mom 2 years ago, they have 7 yr old girl. Over the last yr teen has gone downhill fast as she's gotten into trouble at school and at home repeatedly, smoking, making out with boys etc. She has always been argumentative and defiant of all authority figures. The night this accused rape took place my son had grounded her for having a hissy fit cuz she couldn't go to the store with her mom. Time frame from when this happened is 13 minutes from when Mom left till teen was at friend's calling Mom. Teen has been in dire need of psych care but was only recently commited 3 times, which she blames on the rape She was taken to the hospital -rape kit showed nothing except that she wasn't a virgin. DA says there is a mix of son's dna %26amp; hers on her shorts. Son %26amp; wife had oral sex hrs before %26amp; teen sat on bed. My son is innocent, girls were removed to an uncle's %26amp; it is killing son not to see his lil girl. HELP PLEASEDesperately need accurate Legal Advice for Son in NY?
You won't get anything useful here. Your son needs a top notch criminal lawyer. You can help him by figuring out how to pay for that and then letting the lawyer do his/her job.

This girl's problems started somewhere long before this and I don't think you have the full story yet. I hope your belief in your son will be proven correct. But you must let the legal system get to the bottom of this, for the good of both children and their parents.Desperately need accurate Legal Advice for Son in NY?
The best advice we can give here is need to get him a good lawyer...and fast.
This is not the place for your question. If you've taken responsibility for his defense, I hope yo'ure not looking for answers here.

Your Son needs to get a lawyer right now. He's also got to be smart and stay away from any kids, no matter how much he'd like to see them, until this is sorted out.

You should provide moral support - but that's it. He's a grownup - now he needs to act like one.
You cannot get accurate legal advice on this site for several reasons. The first is that you cannot possibly give all relevant facts. Get a lawyer who can learn of all the evidence and make an assessment.

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