The other day, I was updating my facebook mobile while driving home on I-95, and this other car cut me off and I slammed into one of the water filled road barriers. After I let my facebook friends know that I was ok, I checked my car out for damage, and found it was fairly extensive... I then had to have it towed.
It all happened so fast and the first thing I saw was water splashing on the windshield, so I was unable to get a license plate, or to even tell if it was a car or truck that did this to me. I am really upset with all of the bad drivers on the road these days. Is there any legal action I can take? I really want to sue, but I am not sure how to go about this... Unless I can possibly sue the state/federal for not having those wake-up bumps on the side of the highway... I need some advice on what legal action I should take... Where do I start?Looking for some legal advice on traffic laws...?
If this isn't a joke you need help, but you have me laughing so I hope it is. What do rumble stripes(those wake up bumps) have to do with anything? What the other driver was asleep before they cut you off? Maybe you should have held your phone out the window to get a picture, surely you are using a camera phone.Looking for some legal advice on traffic laws...?
you just want some funny answers, keep texting and
sue facebook for being so interesting that you don't have to pay attention to your driving,
sue whoever made your phone so small that you cant drive and text at the same time and
sue the state for allowing other drivers to cut you off!!!
so there three different place to try to sue!! lots of luck!!!
You have got to be joking, you were not paying attention to the road and the other drivers and you want to sue someone for your mistake........good luck.
sorry to hear about your accident, but if you want to do something about all those bad driver's on the road these days, then start with yourself cause you are one of the bad drivers. even though your vehicle was damaged, you were lucky this time, if you don't wake up....then there will be a next time for you and you may not be so lucky.
in our state (WA) it is not legal to text while driving.
btw your state highway dept. should be sending you a bill to replace the water barrier.
hope this helps
If you were 'updating your Facebook mobile' while driving, then you are at fault for whatever accident occurred. You are one of those 'bad drivers' you are so critical of. You should have your eyes on the road, not on anything else. You don't have a legal leg to stand on. You're lucky you didn't get hurt, or worse, hurt someone else. No one 'did this to you'. You did it to yourself. Take responsibility for it. You made your bed, now lie in it. If I was in a jury in that trial, I would totally not award you any damages.
LOL. That is a good one LOL. Be very thankful you were not hurt. Be extremely grateful no one else was hurt and that they are not filing a law suit against you and yours.You did this to yourself ! The sooner you get that through your thick skull the better.Nobody cut you off, you were not paying attention to your driving.DRIVING, not texting, not telephoneing, DRIVING.It is the only thing that should be on your mind when you start the engine and until you turn it off.Anyone can get telephone records these days.If I thought I was hurt by a driver like you I would crush you financially.
So you want to sue someone for cutting you off? Well normally this would be a great idea especially if you had the information of the driver who was at fault. But your biggest downfall is that you were using your cellphone while driving. Its no wonder that so many accidents occur today. Driver's like yourself feel the need to text, and talk on their cellphones. Even if you did have the information of the other driver, you would likely lose the case since you were at fault for being distracted and not paying attention. As far as suing the state, well that's a lost cause. The fact is, whether there were speed bumps or not, you shouldn't have been using your cellphone. Its deadly, and your usage of the phone contributed to this accident. So forget about legal action. You were at fault for this. Sure the other driver may have cut you off, but the cellphone use negates anything the driver did.
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