And the father and i are not together because he was violent towards me numerous amount of times wilst i was pregnant, he had charges layed against him for common assult. i also have a protection order in place. my daughter is now 5 months of age, he was never put down on the birth certificate or named to ';work and income';, he has recently threatend to get rights over my daughter through family courts, im quite worried, i want to know if he can? he also has aggrivated robbery charges pending and will be sentanced for home detention soon, plus being investigated for pack rape. hes a nut job and im so concerned he will get rights over my baby girl :(I need some legal advice on visitation rights for the father. I'm 19, i had my little girl melody 5months ago.?
He definitely won't get full custody, or unsupervised visitation rights. Based on his records, I would think the most that he could ever get is supervised visitation rights...but it looks like even that is not possible with that much crap...just not a good person to have around your children. I don't think you need to worryI need some legal advice on visitation rights for the father. I'm 19, i had my little girl melody 5months ago.?
Not going to happen, he'll be lucky to get supervised visits, even that is highly unlikely at this point due to the baby's age and his criminal status.
I think he's bluffing, I doubt he has the wherewithal or guts to even pursue this in court considering his current personal problems! No judge in his right mind is going to give this guy much leeway regarding an infant.
A judge would be nuts to give a felon the custody of a child. One look at his record, and they'll rule in favor of you.
Wow, ';pack rape';... I don't think that I have ever heard that terminology used before and I can only imagine what it may mean.
Anyway, about your daughter... It's very rare for a man to obtain FULL custody over his children. Usually this only happens when the mother is in very bad shape. He would have to prove that the baby would not be safe in your care.
JOINT custody is possible if he decided to go to court but the only men that walk into that courtroom are the ones that are caught up on their child support....
The best way to protect yourself is to file for FULL CUSTODY of your daughter YOURSELF and stay as far away from him as you can.
Sounds like he has a ';dark side'; ... I would suggest that you be very careful with this type. I don't know how long you have known him and I'm not sure as to whether it really matters or not but ... Have you ever heard about a broken hearted (maniac) man killing his wife, his kids and himself? It's possible.... please be careful.
You are still very young. Whatever feelings you may have for him you need to bury... there are different type of men out there in the world and you happened to pick a ';hitter'; an ';abuser';... this type never changes... leave him before you leave us...
Love you stranger- be good to yourself and think only of yourself and that baby. Someone else will come along and be more deserving of your love.
Good luck and God Bless
God Bless You
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